Folklife's online Directory
Online only free Directory listings ~ UK and world.
A website - so no social-media-sign-up required to read our pages!
• Basic details • name/web/media, plus • brief description up to 40 words
- First, Opt-in webpage for Updates email list (includes Directory Updates)
- Then, to send in your free listings: go to our Get listed ! webpage
- We can draft entries for you, for you to approve or change, just email with your website details for us to extract details (website only, not social media etc).
- Or send in details, in our format, as on our Get Listed page.
As our magazine's name, "Folklife West" suggests, mainly Cymru•Wales, England West Country, West Midlands, plus Oxon (under South-East).
- Most entries are from paying Folklife Members, and most are in the main areas - but entries are free to all.
- Enthusiasts from other areas, and other countries, have joined us, many during lockdown & zoom sessions
- Listings from other areas are not comprehensive, but we're always keen to hear from enthusiasts, eg clubs that welcome visitors to the area
- We welcome enthusiasts from everywhere!
- So, please tell folks to visit or contact, and we'll be happy to help.
- We welcome volunteers to check our entries are up to date, and to research new ones.
How this Directory is organised: ~ Venues; ~ Performers; ~ Services
All arranged by country / English region/county, in same order as Folklife West print magazine pages.
​VENUES -- • Clubs • Concerts • Singarounds • Sessions (Song, Music, Poetry) • Storytelling • Dance Clubs & Ceilidh Series •
We like to support local folk. Therefore, we include local listings providers (print & online ) for the country/area, at the foot of each webpage.
We have a Zoom sessions listings webpage, after the country/area webpages.
We like to support local folk. Therefore, we include local listings providers (print & online ) for the country/area, at the foot of each webpage.
We have a Zoom sessions listings webpage, after the country/area webpages.
PERFORMERS Categories as below, within each country/area webpage
​​Pf.1 Folk Music & Song - sorted by first name within county
Pf.1a Music/Song - Bands/Groups (incl. Choirs, Quires, Community Bands) , Pf.1b Music/Song - Duos, Pf.1c Music/Song - Solo, Pf.1d Shanty
Pf.2 Folk Dance (Social / Country / Display / Ceremonial)
​ Pf.2a Folk Dance Callers, Pf.2b Folk Dance Bands, Pf.2c Ceremonial & Display (Clog, Morris, Sword)
Pf.3 Spoken Word​
Pf.3a Folk Shows, Theatre, Mummers, Pf.3b Poetry & Monologuists, Pf.3c Storytellers
Pf.4 Workshop-Providers
Many performers travel across the country; so we give the home area just for information
​​Pf.1 Folk Music & Song - sorted by first name within county
Pf.1a Music/Song - Bands/Groups (incl. Choirs, Quires, Community Bands) , Pf.1b Music/Song - Duos, Pf.1c Music/Song - Solo, Pf.1d Shanty
Pf.2 Folk Dance (Social / Country / Display / Ceremonial)
​ Pf.2a Folk Dance Callers, Pf.2b Folk Dance Bands, Pf.2c Ceremonial & Display (Clog, Morris, Sword)
Pf.3 Spoken Word​
Pf.3a Folk Shows, Theatre, Mummers, Pf.3b Poetry & Monologuists, Pf.3c Storytellers
Pf.4 Workshop-Providers
SERVICES includes shops, and UK-wide or large-area print & online magazines & listings - local listings under local VENUES above.
Access Directory's area pages: as subpages under "Directory" on top-of-page menu --- or --- access from these links:
Performers: Cymru•Wales
Performers: England South-West
Performers: England West Midlands
Performers: England South-West
Performers: England West Midlands
England regions = all regions except South-West & West Midlands

YOUR DIRECTORY entries are also included on the UPDATES webpage
- and in our next emailed UPDATES which we'll send to you (you can unsubscribe any time & we'll remove your listings; our data policy is on the Data page)