Folklife, publishers, in print & online

Websites, so no social-media sign-up barriers ~ open to all to read !   Read our publications free online:

Folklife West, folk news print magazine. "FW this issue" Jan 2025, 44 A4 pages, online 

 "Directory", online    FW & Directory on this site.    We also publish a Journal, on a  separate site:

    Details of  each publication follows,  lower down the pageor  go to A5-flyer for all publications webpage to read or download

    Folklife West and Journal: to buy 1 copy or subs, print or PDF summary at foot of all webpages.
    Or see full details on Info webpage :   Membership subs, sales/discounts, deadlines, advert rates.
    Join our free "Updates" email list ~ Updates to Folklife West, Directory, Journal ~ every 2 weeks
    Keeping folk in touch ~ see  Updates webpage
    Your FOLK NEWS PUBLICITY options, free and paid-for:
    1. FREE: Directory online - venues, performers, services. Does not include dates. Directory changes also circulated every 2 weeks to "Updates" email list ~ we can draft your entries, free, from your website info
    2. ££: Folklife annual Membership. ~  Magazines just £9 PDF download or £21 UK post.   Includes Members' Folk news, up to 160 words per item (session, club, festival, performer, arts centre, shops, etc), both for Folklife West, and for  "Updates" webpage & our "Updates" emails every 2 weeks
    3. ££: Adverts in Folklife West. Mono 1/8 A4 @ £11, to £130 A4 colour (membership welcome but not required).  See Info webpage
    4. ££: Repeat adverts' discount in Folklife West if prepaid BACS, or by standing order.  PlusMembership discount of £10 off for repeat mono adverts, or free Membership with repeat colour adverts. See Info webpage
     ðŸ„µðŸ…† Folklife West
     ~ Members' folk news.
    Jan, May, Sept. 40-48 pages

    Music sessions, club guests, gigs, new album, festivals, workshops, Festivals & Workshops Diary.
    Up to 160 words (more if advert) for each news item, plus an optional small photo/image.
    £4 printed, £6 post UK; 
    or £3 PDF download
    Folklife's Adverts 
    ~ simply the 🄵🅆 adverts
    Print, & copied online.   
    £ free PDF download.

    UPDATES for Folklife West, online Directory, Journal on the  Updates webpage
    Read/ download an A5 flyer for Folklife's publications  on the   A5-flyer webpage
    Folklife's Directory
    A directory (not a calendar)

    Venues, Zoom, Performers,
    Services, Media ~ by area
    • name, web/media
    • your contact details
    • venues: date, times, address
    • plus up to 40 words

    We can draft entries,
    for you to approve or change,
    just email
    with your website details.
    Or   send in details,
    in our format

    £ free entries !
    Folklife Traditions Journal 
    16 - 20 A4 pages. March, Nov.

    Researched articles;
    news from societies,
    researchers, book publishers.
    Archive of all past issues.

    £2 printed, £3 post UK;
    or £ free PDF downloads 
    ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: 3 Folklife West plus 2 Journals.   PDF download, £9.   Posted, £21; Europe £27; World £33.
    or   Journal-only ~ print subscription: posted 1 year 2 issues, £7 / Europe £10 / World £12; or 2 years 4 issues £13 / £19 /£22.
    Folklife is a non-profit group of volunteers. Contact:     Our websites are a useful addition to our print publications. Your comments on this site are most welcome,  we're print editors, we welcome Web-knowledgable volunteers to advise us - or to edit, a page or a whole website ! 