(1) Folklife Traditions Journal: Updates
(2) Online Directory: Updates
(3) News Updates: from Folklife members, and from International readersCheap publicity (from £9/year!) in Folklife West print magazine and on this webpage + the fortnightly Updates emails

Drafts ~ for Your Updates page ~Keeping Folk In Touch
www.folklife.uk/drafts for Folklife West magazine, and for our online Directory
This is our "work in progress" page.
These are only drafts (mostly as suggested by us, on basis of websites), not yet approved listings.
For your information, believed to be correct, but wording may change. Not confirmed until moved to Your Updates page!
Draft listings are for the benefit of those wanting to be listed, so they can see how they look.
They may change line by line, as they are typed up live! Often I'll start by copying an unrelated entry & then overwrite that.
Mainly Wales, West Country & West Midlands; but all areas, UK and International, are most welcome!
- Updates (1) Folklife Traditions Journal magazine ~ researched articles. Updates news from organisations & researchers.
- Updates (2) Folklife's online Directory ~ Venues, Performers, Services ~ free entries, open to all, no deadlines, send any time.
- Updates (3) Folklife West magazine ~ Folk News from our Members, & world readers on our "Updates" email list.
⊕ = up to 40 words
Performers / Perfformwyr
For PERFORMERS, list order is by category, then by county, and then by first name.
Pf.1 Folk Music & Song ~ Pf.1a Music/Song - Bands/Groups (incl. Choirs, Quires, Community Bands), Pf.1b Duos, Pf.1c Solo, Pf.1d Shanty
Pf.2 Folk Dance ~ Pf.2a Folk Dance Callers, Pf.2b Folk Dance Bands, Pf.2c Ceremonial & Display (Clog, Morris, Sword)
Pf.3 Spoken Word ~ Pf.3a Folk Shows, Theatre, Mummers, Pf.3b Poetry & Monologuists, Pf.3c Storytellers
Pf.4 Workshop-Providers. Folklife Members' current workshops listed in 🄵🅆 Festivals & Workshops Diary www.folklife.uk/festivals
Pf.1 Folk Music & Song ~ Pf.1a Music/Song - Bands/Groups (incl. Choirs, Quires, Community Bands), Pf.1b Duos, Pf.1c Solo, Pf.1d Shanty
Pf.2 Folk Dance ~ Pf.2a Folk Dance Callers, Pf.2b Folk Dance Bands, Pf.2c Ceremonial & Display (Clog, Morris, Sword)
Pf.3 Spoken Word ~ Pf.3a Folk Shows, Theatre, Mummers, Pf.3b Poetry & Monologuists, Pf.3c Storytellers
Pf.4 Workshop-Providers. Folklife Members' current workshops listed in 🄵🅆 Festivals & Workshops Diary www.folklife.uk/festivals
FEB 2024 > Perfformwyr: Cymru • Performers: Wales
Pf.1c Unawd.
🄵 Ceredigion CYNEFIN: OWEN SHIERS https://cynefinmusic.wales/cy/home-page-2
⇒ Owen Shiers, owen<at>gemtone.co.uk, 07842 983735, https://www.facebook.com/cynefinmusic, https://www.instagram.com/cynefinmusic/, https://twitter.com/CynefinMusic
⇒ Owen Shiers, owen<at>gemtone.co.uk, 07842 983735, https://www.facebook.com/cynefinmusic, https://www.instagram.com/cynefinmusic/, https://twitter.com/CynefinMusic
⊕ Yn blentyn ymennydd y brodor o Orllewin Cymru Owen Shiers, mae’r Cynefin hwn yn brosiect mapio cerddorol sy’n olrhain llinell o’r gorffennol i’r presennol – gan ddechrau yn Nyffryn Clettwr lle magwyd Owen, ymgolli yng ngherddoriaeth Cymru.
Pf.1c. Solo
🄵 Ceredigion CYNEFIN: OWEN SHIERS https://cynefinmusic.wales/en/home-page
⇒ Owen Shiers, owen<at>gemtone.co.uk, 07842 983735, https://www.facebook.com/cynefinmusic, https://www.instagram.com/cynefinmusic/, https://twitter.com/CynefinMusic
🄵 Ceredigion CYNEFIN: OWEN SHIERS https://cynefinmusic.wales/en/home-page
⇒ Owen Shiers, owen<at>gemtone.co.uk, 07842 983735, https://www.facebook.com/cynefinmusic, https://www.instagram.com/cynefinmusic/, https://twitter.com/CynefinMusic
⊕ [then up to 40 words - this is 38 ]
The brain-child of West Wales native Owen Shiers, this Cynefin § is a musical mapping project which traces a line from the past to the present – starting in the Clettwr Valley where Owen grew up, immersed in Welsh music.
§ Cynefin, 'kuh-neh-vin', a Welsh word with no direct equivalent in English, is a journey to discover. Often translated into English as ‘habitat’, but more than a place in a physical or geographical sense; it's a historic, cultural and social place which has shaped and continues to shape the community which inhabits it. The word has been included as a core concept within the Schools Curriculum for Wales. Originally, it meant a habitual sheep-track. ~ Editor.
Pf. 1a groups
(now confirmed & on Updates page)
S.2 Agents, Managers, Promoters, MCs and Stage Management
England West Midlands
Now confirmed & on Updates webpage