Data Protection Policy

Note that this Data page is /data-page as for technical reasons, we cannot call it just   /data is operated by Folklife West t/a Folklife, Malvern, Worcs (referred to as "I", "Me", "Our", "Us" or "We"). As a customer of this service you're a "User", "Visitor" or "You" according to this agreement. The Website or any services offered by us will be referred to as "Website" or "Service". External services or integrations like will be referred to as Applications "External Provider" or "External Service".
All organisations, however small, need to be compliant with the updated data protection regulations. As we collect data about people, (e.g. names and addresses of Folklife members), we will need to be able to prove to the Information Commissioner that we handle that data safely and correctly. People have to opt in to remain on the mailing list. We may not be able to communicate with you after if you have not already given us your permission to do so !

Folklife may update data policies by posting a new version on this website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes. However, if there is any change in the Folklife volunteers who may access your data, as described below, those whose data we hold will be notified. Your comments on our policies are most welcome.

Our data protection policy
New data protection regulations came into force 25 May 2018, we gratefully acknowledge helpful information about those requirements which we have obtained from Martin Graebe of the Traditional Song Forum, from Peter Cripps at Glos Folk, from Caroline at The Roses Theatre, and from Bob Bignell at a Folk 21 meeting. Responsibility for Folklife's policies rests solely with Folklife.

1: “Opt-In to our “Updates” emails” is a form on the Updates webpage, giving your permission to hold and use your personal information.
Our emailed “Updates" are quite separate from our printed FW, Folklife West. “Updates” are an emailed letter, typically 1 to 3 times per 4-month period, which include online-directory updates & deadline reminders for FW.
  • Members: “Updates” usually sent to Members / Member-organisations, but it is not a condition of Membership - Members can chose.
  • Non-members can receive our “Updates” (no cost) You can always change whether you receive “Updates” .
  • Organisations: Accounts Departments of large organisations, paying bills authorised by others - and no interest in our folk activities - then no need to sign up. No need to opt-in, as such activities falls under both legitimate interest and performance of contract. But for say, Folk Club Treasurers, personally interested in folk, then for us to send details of subscriptions, cost of different sizes that might be considered "marketing", an opt-in is needed. Or, if no such opt-in, then bills will normally go to whoever has taken out membership.

Permission is to store your personal data so we can keep in touch.
This applies
  • whether or not you are a Folklife Member - you do not have to be a Folklife member, whether or not you also opt to receive our emailed "Updates" - you do not have to sign up for Updates.
  • whether or not you are listed by Folklife in print or online - if you are listed, such details may well differ from your personal data.
You may wish to give more details, for example, address, phone, for FW by post, & for advertisers - please email to or post to address below
  • The information may be used to send you news and information, and if a Folklife member of Folklife, to manage your membership. You can also send this information to or by post to Folklife, 16 Barrett Rise, Malvern, WR14 2UJ. Please state that you give permission to Folklife to hold your details. We will then confirm the information that you have sent us. We will email or post you a copy of your details below that you have sent us.

MARKETING PERMISSIONS Folklife will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. We will normally use Email (our usual way to contact you); or Phone (typically used for advert queries or if email problem) - if you have supplied a phone number; or Post (usually only for FW) - if you have supplied a postal address -- You can opt in or out of any of these, by email or writing.

2: about our Folklife organisation

Organisations or individuals who only process personal data for recreational reasons (ie information relating to a hobby) are exempt from registering with the ICO, (see , but need to continue to adhere to the principles of the Data Protection Act (DPA) and understand best practice for managing information. "Folklife" is such an organisation, as it is a non-profit group; it has never made a surplus; it is subsidised as a hobby by J. K. and E. L. Simmons, who receive income (from magazines sales, paid subscription, and paid advertising), to lessen our losses, but it will remain a subsidised hobby.
  • Folklife produces printed folk magazines and publishes on internet websites.
  • Folklife is administered by J. K. Simmons ("Sam") and E. L. Simmons
  • Volunteers assist in magazine production, but currently only J. K. and E. L. Simmons have access to data.
  • "The Editor" refers to J. K. Simmons, who is responsible for producing printed folk magazines and publishing on internet websites, and who liaises with printers and the post office for producing and distributing printed folk magazines.
  • "The Co-Editor" refers to E. L. Simmons, who advises on Folklife's policy, and also assists with production.
  • "Both Editors" refers to both J. K. and E. L. Simmons.
  • Other officers: none at present.

We would welcome administrative volunteers, for example, to become a "Secretary", or "Treasurer". If such volunteers come forward, then provision will be made for their role in relation to data protection, these policies will be amended, and those listed will be advised. Meanwhile any reference to "Officers" refers solely to J. K. and E. L. Simmons.

3: Folklife - Privacy Statement

FOLKLIFE collects data from its members, and from non-members, with their consent. The non-members include, but are not limited to, non-member advertisers, and those non-members who have requested Folklife's Updates. The data collected is normally restricted to names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. This data is only kept as long as necessary and is deleted when no longer required (such as when a member leaves Folklife) or when the person listed requests that it is deleted. All those listed are entitled to see the data held about them upon request and to ask for amendments to be made.
The data is held securely by the Editor, and shared with the Co-Editor. It may in the future be held securely by other officers of Folklife. If so, these policies will be amended, and those listed will be advised. Both Editors make use of the data, and take all reasonable precautions to protect it from loss or misuse. Any security breach will be reported promptly to those affected.
A master list of the contact details for those listed is maintained by the Editor, and shared with the Co-Editor. Information from this list is used to prepare a mailing list for contacting those listed when necessary. This list is kept on the Editor’s personal computer, which has password protection, and which is shared with the Co-Editor.
For those who have given email details: names & emails held by the Editor may also be held on the servers of the MailerLite communications organisation where it is used for directing bulk e-mails to members. If we do not have your email address OR if you are not on email — then you are not on our MailerLite list.   Only names & emails are held on MailerLite — addresses & telephone numbers are not kept on our MailerLite list. These servers are secure, and the MailerLite list is maintained by the Editor who is the only person authorised to access the files. Those listed are able to unsubscribe.
In order to post magazines, it will be necessary for the Editor to produce a list for the printers to print envelopes. The list will only contain details of those to whom magazines are being posted, so it will not include details of others on our list. The list will contain names and postal addresses, it will not include telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. The printers will be required to agree to delete these details once the envelopes have been printed, and not to use or retain these details for any purpose other than printing our envelopes.
No information is shared with any other organisation Communications with those listed do not reveal the personal details of members, other than officers or others who have specifically given permission for their personal data to be made available to others for activities related to Folklife objectives.
This statement will be updated if necessary and those on our mailing lists informed. A current copy of the statement will be kept on Folklife’s website (

4: Folklife - Data Protection Policy
Introduction Folklife needs to collect and use certain types of information about its members, and non-members, in order to carry out its work on their behalf. This personal information must be collected and dealt with appropriately whether it is collected on paper, stored in a computer database, or recorded on other material and there are safeguards to ensure this under the Data Protection Act 1998, and as amended by future legislation and regulations.
Data Controller Folklife, through its officers, is the Data Controller under the Act, which means that it determines the purposes for which personal information held will be used. It is also responsible for notifying, if necessary, the Information Commissioner of the data it holds or is likely to hold, and the general purposes that this data will be used for.
Disclosure Folklife does not share data with other agencies. It is conceivable that there may be circumstances where the law may require Folklife to disclose information to an official body.
Data Collection Folklife will ensure that any individual providing information does so with explicit, written consent, based on a clear understanding of Folklife’s need for the data and the uses to which it will be put.
Data Storage
Information and records relating to members, and non-member advertisers, will be stored securely and will only be accessible to authorised persons for the purposes set out above and in our Privacy Policy.
Access and Accuracy
All members, and non-members, have the right of access to the information Folklife holds about them. Folklife will also take reasonable steps ensure that this information is kept up to date by asking members, at the time their annual membership is renewed, whether there have been any changes that should be reflected in the information held; and annually for others.
Additional Information
A copy of this policy is kept on the Folklife website, In case of any queries or questions in relation to this policy, please contact the Folklife Editor, J. K. Simmons, Tel 01684

Revised by J. K. Simmons, 6 June 2024