Folklife West ~ Members' folk news
Print, or paid-for PDF (emailed via WeTransfer). Copied online to this site, Folklife West

Folk news, from Folklife members, 40-48 pages.
Your music session, club guests, gigs, new album, festivals, workshops, Festivals & Workshops Diary.
Up to 160 words (more if advert) for each news item, plus an optional small photo/image.

3 x year: FW print dates & deadlines: 
 Jan (20 Nov).  May (20 Mar). Sep (20 Jul).

UPDATES: on the UPDATES webpage
Folklife Traditions Journal
researched articles
Print, or free PDF downloads. Copied online to separate site,

Researched articles, societies' news, 16-20 pages.
Free downloads, archive of all past issues.
News is from folklife societies, researchers, and book publishers.
Up to 160 words (more if advert),  plus an optional small photo/image eg book cover.
2 x year:  FTJ print dates & deadlines:
​ MAR (by 1 Feb).   NOV  (by 1 Oct)

UPDATES: FTJ site as above, on

Folklife's Directory
Online only, on separate site,

Directory listings ~ UK and world.
  • Free entries, with live links.
  • Includes a Zoom page.
  • Not dated events (gigs, festivals)
Categories - see that website
Basic details (no dates)
  • name/web/media, plus
  • brief description up to 40 words
We can draft entries for you, for you to approve or change, just email ith your website details. 
Or send in details, in our format - see

​UPDATES: on Directory site as above, on DIRECTORY UPDATES webpage
Folk  What's On
Print, & copied online, free PDF download from this site's webpage 🄵🅆 Folk What's On
Simply the FW adverts.

About Folklife publishers, print & online

Folklife are a non-profit group of volunteers. Read our publications free online !
  • See Home for a brief introduction to Folklife West
  • See Info for admin details (membership, sales/discounts, adverts, etc).
  • Websites, so no social-media-style sign-up required to read our websites! ​, open to all to read !
  • On phones, our A4-size print-page copies become too small to read, but images will give you a general idea (& you can always buy a copy !)
  • 3 separate websites, we'll add the other 2 sites, Journal and Directory to this site, pending advice from more web-knowledgeable volunteers, and subject to the considerable time to copy it all over.
Also on this site, quite separate from Folklife:
Keeping Folk In Touch      Join our free "Updates" email list. This covers all 3 publications - see UPDATES webpage
  • FOLKLIFE WEST: Correspondents listed on Folklife West page
  • JOURNAL contributors: see
  • Editors: Eleanor & Sam Simmons; all Admin: Sam.
  • Text Editor (Members' news websites/word limits): David Harley.
  • Web advice: Paul Clarke, to July 2023, so a volunteer welcome.
  • Zoom listings: Paul Clarke, to July 2023, so a volunteer welcome.
  • Illustrations, Logos: Chris Beaumont, Chris Stewart, John Crane.
  • Photographs: Eden Tanner, Colin Davies.
  • We thank our team, we are all unpaid Volunteers ~ more welcome!
June 2024:  site revised as moved: now hosted by WebMate. Your comments welcome, bearing in mind that we are print editors (looking for a Web-trained volunteer Webmaster or two ...)

Web-editor(s) wanted ! Currently it's just Sam & Eleanor for all admin . . .
  • our print readers tell us how much they enjoy our publication
  • ideally we'd concentrate on editing print magazines, others more web-knowledgeable volunteering to run a website or section
We'd like to be set up formally as a charity or CIC; a volunteer to take this on would be most welcome.