Folklife's DIRECTORY  (online only)

This page is
It gives brief details of the Directory which is hosted on another site:

The Directory is hosted on

Folklife's Directory
Online only, on separate site,

Directory listings ~ UK and world.   •   Free entries, with live links.   •  Includes a Zoom page. •  Not dated events (gigs, festivals)
Categories - see that website
Basic details (no dates)  • 
name/web/media, plus  • brief description up to 40 words
We can draft entries for you, for you to approve or change, just email ith your website details. 
Or send in details, in our format - see

​UPDATES: on Directory site as above, on DIRECTORY UPDATES webpage
We have  3 separate websites, this being Folklife West, the other 2 sites are  Journal and Directory.  The other 2 sites are hosted by Weebly, which has stopped developing updates, and may close in 2025. 
We will add both to this site, pending advice from more web-knowledgeable volunteers, and subject to the considerable time to copy it all over.   
Directory - 2025.   Better if in 2024 made into a database, but we are not experts, and experts cost money we don't  have. Unless a volunteer to set up a simple database for us to maintain?  If not, then Plan B in 2025 is to simply copy over page contents (easy enough) but weblinks will be lost, so we would have to copy & then restore on a test site, before moving.
Keeping Folk In Touch      Join our free "Updates" email list. This covers all 3 publications - see UPDATES webpage
Web-editor(s) wanted ! Currently it's just Sam & Eleanor for all admin . . .
  • our print readers tell us how much they enjoy our publication
  • ideally we'd concentrate on editing print magazines, others more web-knowledgeable volunteering to run a website or section