[Updates] Archive 1
Old Updates, from the Updates page for Members' Folk News.
Latest removed from "Updates" webpage on top.
These are edited, and removed, from time to time.
Updates: Online Directory, & Members' News: emailed 8/1/2025
🅄 Day Varies Somerset ILMINSTER ILMINSTER ARTS CENTRE www.ilminsterartscentre.com
→ Ilminster Arts Centre, The Meeting House, East Street, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0AN
⇒ Contact 01460 54973, info<at>ilminsterarts.org.uk
⊕ Our mission is to bring amazing art, live music and creative workshops to the South West. [December 2024, new listing].
🄵 Wednesday, 1st, 3rd Wilts HIGHWORTH WHITE HORSE FOLK CLUB www.facebook.com/whitehorsefolkclub/
Plus occasional concerts, day varies.
→ The Church Rooms, St Michael's Church. Enter via Sheep Street, Highworth, SN6 7NA, details see Facebook, any updates will be on our Facebook Page. Doors 7.15pm, music at 7.30pm.
⇒ Geoff Davies 07587178557;
⊕ A small welcoming and diverse group of people who meet to sing and play. We have singarounds and guest nights and a wide range of music is sung and played. Visitors most welcome. Contacts and tickets Geoff Davies as above. (Dec. 2024, contact details changed)
Bristol and South Gloucestershire
🄵 Thursdays, 1st S. Glos SODBURY CHIPPING SODBURY FOLK NIGHT Facebook: Chipping Sodbury Folk Night
→ The Beaufort Hunt, 72 Broad Street, Chipping Sodbury, BS37 6AG. 8pm
⇒ Jo Cullum, 07974 381333. Email jocullum<at>hotmail.co.uk
⊕ 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Everyone welcome, audience and performers. We welcome all acoustic styles and genres. Floor spots allocated on first-come basis so get there early to be sure to get a spot. £1 on singers' nights. More info: see Facebook [updated now starts 7.30pm, 2024 Dec]
***** CORRECTION to emailed Updates - CHELTENHAM FOLK CLUB - the day is SUNDAY (our mistake, we had said Monday)
→ ¶ Stanton Suite, Church St, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8AR till end-March. Venue might vary, check. Now starts at 8pm
→ ¶ Stanton Suite, Church St, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8AR till end-March. Venue might vary, check. Now starts at 8pm
⇒ Chris Beaumont 01242 571185; or Judith 01242 577506. machteltje<at>gmail.com
⊕ Some open nights for more floor spots, some guest nights. All welcome. Prices vary according to guest/open night. Cash only. Do join our mailing list — just email machteltje<at>gmail.com
So: please join mailing list to keep up to date with current situation ( ¶ venue & ** times may vary), and/or check on GlosFolk facebook.
⊕ Some open nights for more floor spots, some guest nights. All welcome. Prices vary according to guest/open night. Cash only. Do join our mailing list — just email machteltje<at>gmail.com
So: please join mailing list to keep up to date with current situation ( ¶ venue & ** times may vary), and/or check on GlosFolk facebook.
🄵 Friday, 2nd Staffs STOKE-ON-TRENT POTTERIES FOLK CLUB www.potteriesfolkclub.com
→The Cafe, Fenton Town Hall, Albert Square, Fenton, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST4 3FA. 7.45 - 10.45 pm
⇒ Contact Jason Hill, 07919 153639, potteriesfolk<at>rocketmail.com www.facebook.com/PotteriesFolk
⊕ Promoting and preserving traditional folk music for 60 years. Regular events where musicians and music lovers can share their love of traditional songs and tunes, enjoying the rich cultural heritage of folk music. Licensed bar, disabled access and free parking. [Dec 2024, new Member]
🄵 Tuesday, 1st Staffs STOKE-ON-TRENT THE FULL ENGLISH session & singaround Facebook: The Full English Folk Session
→The Coachmakers Arms, 65 Lichfield Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3EA. 7.30 - 10.30 pm
⇒ Contact Jason Hill, 07919 153639, jasonhill54<at>rocketmail.com
⊕ A music session and singaround. [Dec 2024, new Member]
🄵 Friday, weekly Birmingham BLACK DIAMOND FOLK SONG CLUB http://blackdiamondfolkclub.org.uk
→ The Jewellers Arms (www.blackcountryales.co.uk/pubs/the-jewellers-arms), Hockley Street. 8pm, Sept-July.
⇒ Paul Ryan, 0121 357 7326, 748 Walsall Road, Great Barr, Birmingham, B42 1EX. contact<at>blackdiamondfolkclub.org.uk
⊕ Singers’ nights alternate Fridays, guests inbetween. The club is in an upstairs room; the downstairs bar serves a large selection of real ales. Plenty of street parking ; meters are free after 6pm. This area is inside the CAZ zone (www.gov.uk/clean-air-zones). [2024 November: new venue]
🄵 Friday, weekly Birmingham BLACK DIAMOND FOLK SONG CLUB http://blackdiamondfolkclub.org.uk
→ The Jewellers Arms (www.blackcountryales.co.uk/pubs/the-jewellers-arms), Hockley Street. 8pm, Sept-July.
⇒ Paul Ryan, 0121 357 7326, 748 Walsall Road, Great Barr, Birmingham, B42 1EX. contact<at>blackdiamondfolkclub.org.uk
⊕ Singers’ nights alternate Fridays, guests inbetween. The club is in an upstairs room; the downstairs bar serves a large selection of real ales. Plenty of street parking ; meters are free after 6pm. This area is inside the CAZ zone (www.gov.uk/clean-air-zones). [2024 November: new venue]
🄵 Thursday, 3rd Coventry COVENTRY ALL AROUND THE KITCHEN FOLK CLUB [no website]
→ At Dick and Sue's home in Coventry - phone or email for details. 8pm start.
⇒ Dick & Sue Dixon, 07831 890905, Sing<at>dickdixon.co.uk
⊕ At Dick and Sue's home in Coventry. All welcome, teas and coffee on the house. Please bring your own beer or wine. [added Nov. 2024]
🄵 Thursday, 3rd Coventry COVENTRY ALL AROUND THE KITCHEN FOLK CLUB [no website]
→ At Dick and Sue's home in Coventry - phone or email for details. 8pm start.
⇒ Dick & Sue Dixon, 07831 890905, Sing<at>dickdixon.co.uk
⊕ At Dick and Sue's home in Coventry. All welcome, teas and coffee on the house. Please bring your own beer or wine. [added Nov. 2024]
Ø Wednesday, weekly Herefds LEDBURY PRINCE OF WALES SESSION https://powledbury.pub/
→ Prince of Wales (01531 632250), Church Lane, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1DL. Starts around 9pm.
⇒ Contact Steve Glennie-Smith on 07941-863562
⊕ This long-standing acoustic session features all types of music from folk songs to ballads, jazz and blues, but anything goes. Occasionally not held due to other events in the pub - check with Steve. [revised Dec. 2024]
Ø Wednesday, 1st, 3rd, 5th Tyne & Wear RYTON TYNEFOLK www.tynefolk.uk
→ Ye Olde Cross Inn, Barmoor Lane, Ryton, Tyne & Wear, NE40 3QP. 7.30 - 10.30pm
⇒ Please email ed.lawrence.music<at>googlemail.com or ring Ed Lawrence on 0782 8070617.
⊕ Ye Olde Cross is a community-owned pub that offers real ales, a lift, and a disabled toilet. We sing in the round sharing songs and poems. Tynefolk has singers’ and guest nights in a room with incredible acoustics. (Dec 2024, new listing)
Ø Wednesday, weekly Herefds LEDBURY PRINCE OF WALES SESSION https://powledbury.pub/
→ Prince of Wales (01531 632250), Church Lane, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1DL. Starts around 9pm.
⇒ Contact Steve Glennie-Smith on 07941-863562
⊕ This long-standing acoustic session features all types of music from folk songs to ballads, jazz and blues, but anything goes. Occasionally not held due to other events in the pub - check with Steve. [revised Dec. 2024]
Ø Wednesday, 1st, 3rd, 5th Tyne & Wear RYTON TYNEFOLK www.tynefolk.uk
→ Ye Olde Cross Inn, Barmoor Lane, Ryton, Tyne & Wear, NE40 3QP. 7.30 - 10.30pm
⇒ Please email ed.lawrence.music<at>googlemail.com or ring Ed Lawrence on 0782 8070617.
⊕ Ye Olde Cross is a community-owned pub that offers real ales, a lift, and a disabled toilet. We sing in the round sharing songs and poems. Tynefolk has singers’ and guest nights in a room with incredible acoustics. (Dec 2024, new listing)
Performers & Services
M.4 ENGLAND, by region -- West Midlands
🅄 Staffs NORTH STAFFS FOLK DIARY www.thefolkdiary.co.uk
⇒ Peter Hopkins. northstaffsfolkdiary<at>gmail.com
⊕ Listing of what is on in North Staffordshire and surrounding areas. Event organisers please email northstaffsfolkdiary<at>gmail.com with updates. [2024 November: new listing]
🅄 Staffs NORTH STAFFS FOLK DIARY www.thefolkdiary.co.uk
⇒ Peter Hopkins. northstaffsfolkdiary<at>gmail.com
⊕ Listing of what is on in North Staffordshire and surrounding areas. Event organisers please email northstaffsfolkdiary<at>gmail.com with updates. [2024 November: new listing]
Members' News Updates: emailed 8/1/2025
ADMIN. As our admin takes as much time as editing . . .
p21: BLACK DIAMOND FOLK CLUB 🄵, Fridays, weekly.
- So that we've more time for magazine development, we'd love to have some admin volunteers (invoicing or website editing, anyone?)
- To save time for you and for us, we now welcome Standing Orders for Membership, with 1st payment as invoiced, then future payments annually on expiry date [as shown on invoice]. STO payers will stay at current rate when we have our next price raise!
NEWS. PreChristmas emails were posted here, but now deleted. Page references are to Folklife West Jan 2025
By popular request, we’re reverting to the music starting promptly at 8.00pm, with doors opening at 7:30 pm—in fact, any time after 7.00pm if you fancy some extra time to socialize.
West Country. - Glos
***** CORRECTION to emailed Updates - CHELTENHAM FOLK CLUB - the day is SUNDAY (our mistake, we had said Monday)
From January to March: now Sundays at Stanton Suite, Church St, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8AR.
Sundays Jan 12th & 26th, Feb 9th with REBIl, March 9th & 23rd. 8pm BYO drinks. Shop opposite for drinks and snacks too.
Please join our mailing list for up-to-date information: machteltje<at>gmail.com
Always check before travelling if you're not on the email list. Ring Chris on 01242 - 571185, or Judith on 01242 - 577506
West Midands: Birmingham p21: BLACK DIAMOND FOLK CLUB 🄵, Fridays, weekly.
Due to the sad demise of our friend and Landlord Eddie Fitzpatrick, the "Lamp Tavern” has now closed.
We have secured a new home for the club in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham, appropriately called The Jewellers Arms in Hockley St; website with more info: www.blackcountryales.co.uk/pubs/the-jewellers-arms . Station and metro stop: Jewellery Quarter. Buses Inner circle 8 plus 16/16a and 74 from City centre stop just around the corner on Great Hampton St.
The club is in an upstairs room; the downstairs bar serves a large selection of real ales. There's plenty of street parking; the meters are free after 6pm. This area is inside the CAZ zone (please see www.gov.uk/clean-air-zones if this may apply to you. Thank you to all the people that suggested venues, we visited over 20! Regards Paul and the gang. https://blackdiamondfolkclub.org.uk/
West Midands: Herefordshire
Chris Robinson from the Crown session, Longtown, writes:
A reminder (in case you needed it) that it's the Longtown Wassail this coming Saturday (11th January). Always an excellent evening, don't miss it! The Longtown Village Hall will be open from 6pm for loos and preparations and the parade will start from the carpark at 7pm. Come early if you want to get a flaming torch. After the wassailing at the castle grounds we will return to the hall where there will be the usual bar, hot dogs on sale and a host of further entertainment, musical and otherwise. Happy New Year! Chris
London-based ~ on tour
p33 THE SALTS 🄵. www.thesalts.co.uk Gigs ~ note Launceston: venue change from as announced in FW
p33 THE SALTS 🄵. www.thesalts.co.uk Gigs ~ note Launceston: venue change from as announced in FW
- Blakehay Theatre Western-super-Mare Saturday 1st February £23 https://blakehaytheatre.co.uk/event/the-salts-songs-from-the-sea/
- The Arc, Winchester Thursday 13th February £18 www.arcwinchester.org.uk/event/salts
- Eagle House Hotel, Launceston, Cornwall, Sunday 16th February £20 Launceston Folk club members £18 https://snappytickets.co.uk/events/the-salts-launceston-folk-club/
- Beehive, Honiton, Devon Saturday 26th July £18 https://thebeehive.savoysystems.co.uk/TheBeehive.dll/TSelectItems.waSelectItemsPrompt.TcsWebMenuItem_1529.TcsWebTab_3773.TcsProgramme_1258368
- Moorland Hotel Wotter Dartmoor 27 July 2025 £12 www.moorfolk.co.uk/index.htm
INTERNATIONAL (non-UK) NEWS (policy subject to review) currently, international news is open to all.
News in printed Folklife West from Members only. - Sings, concerts, shops, festivals, media - up to 160 words per news item ( + small picture).
Membership just £9 a year for PDF downloads of 3x Folklife West (Journal downloads free).
Membership just £9 a year for PDF downloads of 3x Folklife West (Journal downloads free).
Card: https://ko-fi.com/s/8e92e77df9 Or by post £27 Europe, £33 world.
USA Zoom - Boston, Mass ØØ LINN NOEL https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music and ZOOM: LIVE FROM THE MERMAID'S TAVERN
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
- JAN 19 Zoom: Robert Burns Night (note new date)
- FEB 2 Zoom: Child’s Birthday Ballad Sing
- FEB 14-16 Live: Linn at Flurry Festival
- MAR 2 Zoom: Irish/St. Pat's Sing
Buy tickets online at www.valleyfolk.org or at the door. Concerts are held at 144 Cedar Street Corning, NY (corner 1st St.) in the red brick Methodist Church For more information visit our website, or contact us: (1) 607-962-4461, or info<at>valleyfolk.org
Sunday, March 2 at 2 pm. Kevin McKrell Band. Irish-inspired singer songwriter and his band from Saratoga Springs NY.
Sunday, April 6 at 2 pm. Hubby Jenkins ...of The Carolina Chocolate Drops fame. And more to come…...
Also: Sunday, Feb 2 at 1pm. Potluck lunch & sing, at 1001 West Water St. Elmira NY (use parking lot & entrance in back). To respect the building's kosher rules: vegetarian please (no meats or poultry) fish with fins and scales OK, dairy & eggs OK). RSVP appreciated but not necessary. The new Rabbi has a guitar repertoire of 60, 70’s folk rock favorites we all know. You can lead folk songs, too.
Members' News: not emailed up to 23 Nov 2025 ? (as BDFC mentions 29 Nov)
No more emailed Updates till January, we'll be busy with Folklife West /moving Directory website; but you're still welcome to send Updates for this webpage.
As our admin takes as much time as editing . . .
West Midands: Birmingham
p20: BLACK DIAMOND FOLK CLUB 🄵, Fridays, weekly.
26 July: Beehive, Honiton
27 July: Folk on the Moor, Moorland Hotel, Wotter
- So that we've more time for magazine development, we'd love to have some admin volunteers (invoicing or website editing, anyone?)
- To save time for you and for us in future, we now welcome Standing Orders for Membership, with 1st payment as invoiced, then future payments annually on expiry date [as shown on invoice]. STO payers will stay at current rate when we have our next price raise!
West Country. - Devon
p11 BIDEFORD FOLK CLUB 🄵 have decided not to open on the Thursday between Christmas and New Year (26th December this year) as attendance is always abysmal. Visitors are recommended to check the website before travelling. https://bidefordfolkclub.com/
West Country. - Glos
p17 CHELTENHAM FOLK CLUB. 🄵 Seasonal night at Cheltenham Folk Club. ~ I've had confirmation that we can have the Stanton Hall again, for Sunday December 8th. This will be our Christmas/seasonal night, and I'm looking forward to hearing all your seasonal songs. 8pm, Sun, December 8th. 26 Church St, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8AR. More details nearer the time. If you haven't got a seasonal piece, a regular spot will do fine -- but seasonal preferred. Hope to see you there, Judith Please join our mailing list for up-to-date information: machteltje<at>gmail.com Always check before travelling if you're not on the email list. Ring Chris on 01242 - 571185, or Judith on 01242 - 577506
p17 CHELTENHAM FOLK CLUB. 🄵 Seasonal night at Cheltenham Folk Club. ~ I've had confirmation that we can have the Stanton Hall again, for Sunday December 8th. This will be our Christmas/seasonal night, and I'm looking forward to hearing all your seasonal songs. 8pm, Sun, December 8th. 26 Church St, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL53 8AR. More details nearer the time. If you haven't got a seasonal piece, a regular spot will do fine -- but seasonal preferred. Hope to see you there, Judith Please join our mailing list for up-to-date information: machteltje<at>gmail.com Always check before travelling if you're not on the email list. Ring Chris on 01242 - 571185, or Judith on 01242 - 577506
p20: BLACK DIAMOND FOLK CLUB 🄵, Fridays, weekly.
Due to the sad demise of our friend and Landlord Eddie Fitzpatrick, the "Lamp Tavern” has now closed.
We have secured a new home for the club in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham, appropriately called The Jewellers Arms in Hockley St; website with more info: www.blackcountryales.co.uk/pubs/the-jewellers-arms . Station and metro stop: Jewellery Quarter. Buses Inner circle 8 plus 16/16a and 74 from City centre stop just around the corner on Great Hampton St.
The club is in an upstairs room; the downstairs bar serves a large selection of real ales.
We open this Friday 29th November with a guest night featuring Peter and Barbara Snape. You are all welcome to come and support us on our first night. There's plenty of street parking; the meters are free after 6pm. This area is inside the CAZ zone (please see www.gov.uk/clean-air-zones if this may apply to you. Thank you to all the people that suggested venues, we visited over 20! Regards Paul and the gang. https://blackdiamondfolkclub.org.uk/
p31 THE SALTS 🄵. Gigs:
p31 THE SALTS 🄵. Gigs:
additional London date following the sold out show under Trafalgar Square . . .
The Salts at Sharp's Folk Club Tuesday 26 Nov 2024 7:30pm-10:30p. Cecil Sharp House, London. Performers £7, Listeners £8
1 February: Blakehay Theatre, Weston-super-Mare
16 February: Launceston Folk Club, Firebrand Brewery 26 July: Beehive, Honiton
27 July: Folk on the Moor, Moorland Hotel, Wotter
Members' News: emailed 16 Nov 2024
p13 ROSIE UPTON 🄵. Rosie will be appearing in a new show written by Mick Ryan, “The Innocent”, featuring Mick Ryan, Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman, Bob and Gill Berry, Rosie Upton, Bryony McGinty, Steve Faux and Dave Bordewey. World Premier at The Cause, Chippenham at 7.30pm, on Saturday 22 March 2025. Contact Rosie Upton for details at rosieupton<at>icloud.com.
Your news in FW, in print & copied online: join Folklife. Only £9 a year for PDF copies, or £21 a year for posted copies (Europe £27, world £33).
Folklife West Jan-Apr 2025, deadline 20 Nov. Last minute changes by 6 Dec
- New: every-issue advertisers: reduced Membership! mono: £10 less / colour: free!
- New: colour advert prices reduced. Not enough circulation to make FW all colour, as much more expensive. Colour ads were limited (usually to cover sheet) ~ Now our printers can now place anywhere in magazine, and we have reduced colour prices to 2x mono prices.
- New: advert discounts. Either for setting up bank standing orders for regular adverts -- OR -- for 2 or more issue prepaid together by BACS.
- New prices, with discounts in (brackets):
- A4 Colour £130 (£120) / Mono £65 (£60). A4 full bleed Colour £140 (£120).
- 1/2 Colour £70 (£ 64), Mono £35 (£32). 1/4 [A6] Colour £40 (£36), Mono £20 (£18).
- 1/8 Mono only. £11 (£10).
Folklife's 2025 plans
FOLKLIFE WEST in print: 2025 no change.
Contact us to pre-order January 2025. Rates as before £4 in clubs/sessions. £6 UK post. Or as an emailed PDF copy £3. Or as part of Membership subscription, rates foot of email.
FOLKLIFE'S free-entry online DIRECTORY: 2025 improved look, (now hosted by Weebly, will be hosted by Webmate).
FOLKLIFE WEST in print: 2025 no change.
Contact us to pre-order January 2025. Rates as before £4 in clubs/sessions. £6 UK post. Or as an emailed PDF copy £3. Or as part of Membership subscription, rates foot of email.
FOLKLIFE'S free-entry online DIRECTORY: 2025 improved look, (now hosted by Weebly, will be hosted by Webmate).
- It will remain as simple lists, unless we get a volunteer who knows about spreadsheets or databases (I've no time to learn . . .).
- Like Directory, lists rather than database, unless we get a volunteer . . .
West Country: Wiltshire p13 ROSIE UPTON 🄵. Rosie will be appearing in a new show written by Mick Ryan, “The Innocent”, featuring Mick Ryan, Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman, Bob and Gill Berry, Rosie Upton, Bryony McGinty, Steve Faux and Dave Bordewey. World Premier at The Cause, Chippenham at 7.30pm, on Saturday 22 March 2025. Contact Rosie Upton for details at rosieupton<at>icloud.com.
Members' News: emailed Thursday 7 Nov 2024
Martin Graebe 01285 651104, martin.graebe<at>btinternet.com, or Anne Buffoni, annskibuffonski<at>hotmail.com
West Country: Herefordshire
[new Member] The Long Road from Shanghai to Bromyard - Alan Courtney 🄵 ~ cover picture above
Adverts in Journal: all ad prices (mono & colour) now simply half of Folklife West prices. Details on folklife.uk/info webpage
The next issue of Folklife West is Jan-Apr 2025, deadline 20 Nov.
As previously mentioned . . .
As previously mentioned . . .
- redesigned - changed style for headings etc, so more room for your news - and advert sizes slightly increased §
- New: £10/£11 off Membership for regular (every issue) advertisers, so eg 1 copy £21 now £10. More than 1 £10 off, so 12 copies £120 now £110, etc. §
- New: Colour advert prices reduced. Not enough circulation to make FW all colour, as much more expensive. Colour ads were limited (usually to cover sheet) ~ Now our printers can now place anywhere in magazine, and we have "reduced" colour prices to 2x mono prices.
- New: Discounts for every-issue advertisers.
- New prices, with discounts in brackets : A4 Colour £130 (£120) / Mono £65 (£60).
A4 full bleed Colour £140 (£120). 1/2 Colour £70 (£ 64), Mono £35 (£32).
1/4 [A6] Colour £40 (£ 36), Mono £20 (£18). 1/8 Mono only. £11 (£10). § - § More details on Info page, www.folklife.uk/info
Cymru /Wales
Guests for next year announced:
Thursday 30th January, The Rob Lear Band.
Thursday 27th February, State of the Union.
Thursday 20th March, Steve & Julie Wigley/ Stonesthrow.
Thursday 3rd April, Dan McKinnon.
Thursday 27th February, State of the Union.
Thursday 20th March, Steve & Julie Wigley/ Stonesthrow.
Thursday 3rd April, Dan McKinnon.
West Country: Glos
p15 THE TWELVE BELLS SONG SESSION 🄵, Cirencester. 2nd Wednesday, has moved, and is now:
CIRENCESTER SINGING AT THE TALBOT 🄵, 2nd Wednesday, at The Talbot Inn, 14 Victoria Rd, Cirencester GL7 1EN, 8pm, all year.
Unaccompanied singing in the traditional way. Relaxed evening, sing your own songs, old or new, without instrumental accompaniments, or just join in the choruses and enjoy the atmosphere. Martin Graebe 01285 651104, martin.graebe<at>btinternet.com, or Anne Buffoni, annskibuffonski<at>hotmail.com
p17: CHELTENHAM FOLK CLUB 🄵 , 2nd & 4th Mondays. Usually Sandford Park Alehouse, but venue may vary.
West Midands: Birmingham
8pm start, doors open 7:30 ish. Sorry, no dogs.
Ring Chris on 01242 - 571185, or Judith on 01242 - 577506
There might be some additions, but here is the programme so far for the autumn. More details to follow!
We have some evenings with extended spots (giving more time for floor singers):-
Please join our mailing list for up-to-date information: machteltje<at>gmail.com Always check before travelling if you're not on the email list. Ring Chris on 01242 - 571185, or Judith on 01242 - 577506
Sept 23 Veronica and Mike Lowe at the Sandford Park Alehouse
Oct 14 Sisters Fiona and Charlie at the Sandford Park Alehouse
Oct 28 Tom Halliday at the Sandford Park Alehouse
Nov 11 Henry Faj Venue not yet confirmed
Nov 25 Mick Holditch Venue not yet confirmed
West Midands: Sandwell
[new Member] Just Walkin’ - Monica Shepherd 🄵 ~ cover picture above
Just Walkin’ is a collection of 14 songs inspired by observations and conversations whilst walking - primarily Malvern; Isle of Wight; Warley Woods. This is my first album, recorded at the request many friends who have encouraged, even nagged me over the years! Maybe it will be enjoyed by others of you who I don’t yet know?
The songs are: Busy Counting Blessings; Patterns On The Sand; My Treasure Island; Ferryman; Keep Going (You’ll Get There); Lantern Hill; Turning Tree; On The Lane That Time Forgot; The Old Beech Tree; Fruit & Leaves; Malvern Song; For A Rainy Day; Spring In My Step; Just Walkin’.
Guitars, lead vocals: Monica. Backing vocals: Eric & Eileen Payne. Accordion: Mark Misko. All songs written 2010 - 2023 © Monica J. Shepherd.
Recorded & mixed by Eric Payne. Audio mastering & graphic design by Chris Stewart (cmaj7<at>mail.org). With thanks to these good folk for their invaluable skills, patience and time!
Do contact me for more information and to buy - monshep<at>icloud.com or tel. 07836 261543. Facebook Messenger will also find me.
Price £10 (plus p&p if required) with proceeds to ‘Home for Good’ - a charity with a bold vision to find a home for every child who needs one.
p20: BLACK DIAMOND FOLK CLUB 🄵, Fridays, weekly.
Sadly, Eddie Fitzpatrick, landlord of our venue, the Lamp, has passed away, and the Lamp will not be reopened. The club is now endeavouring to find new premises.
Temporary venue on Friday 8th November: the Red Lion, 95 Warstone Lane, Birmingham B18 6NG (we were in this upstairs room in the past). Street parking, no charge after 6pm. Buses: No 8 Inner Circle / No 101 from City Centre. Chiltern Trains, and Metro: Jewelry Quarter.
There will be an imminent change of landlord, so please check the website after this date. https://blackdiamondfolkclub.org.uk/
p17: BISHOP'S FROME SINGAROUND & MUSIC SESSION 🄵, 3rd Tuesdays, 8pm, currently at the Chase Inn, Bishop's Frome, but please check - see below.
We have been struggling to find a regular venue for our lovely session. Our main problem lies with the fact that so many local pubs either don't open at all on Mondays and Tuesdays or have reduced hours. We are therefore now beginning to consider the possibility of going back to a Wednesday night, and would welcome any thoughts on this via email bernieuptonfolk<at>gmail.com Bernie and Annie
We have been struggling to find a regular venue for our lovely session. Our main problem lies with the fact that so many local pubs either don't open at all on Mondays and Tuesdays or have reduced hours. We are therefore now beginning to consider the possibility of going back to a Wednesday night, and would welcome any thoughts on this via email bernieuptonfolk<at>gmail.com Bernie and Annie
West Midlands: Worcs
p27: FOLK AT THE FOLD 🄵 4th Saturday. From October, we will starting at 7.30pm and finish at 10pm. As usual, tea, coffee and biscuits are available at phenomenal cost - cash only, no beer bottle tops, chocolate money or, chrome buttons! https://ericpaynefolksongs.co.uk/folk-at-the-fold/
p27: FOLK AT THE FOLD 🄵 4th Saturday. From October, we will starting at 7.30pm and finish at 10pm. As usual, tea, coffee and biscuits are available at phenomenal cost - cash only, no beer bottle tops, chocolate money or, chrome buttons! https://ericpaynefolksongs.co.uk/folk-at-the-fold/
[new Member] The Long Road from Shanghai to Bromyard - Alan Courtney 🄵 ~ cover picture above
My new album is a musical autobiography of the last 8 tumultuous years, starting in Shanghai in 2016 where we stayed with my daughter, meandering its way back home via Australia, the pandemic, and my home county of Devon. It records the changes I have undergone musically and personally during that time. It ends at my favourite musical place in the world: Bromyard Folk Festival. The first 7 songs are written in a variety of genres; the remaining 8 are folk songs more in a traditional idiom. They are original songs (including The Old Rising Star which has just had its 50th birthday!). I am very lucky to have great friends who gave of their time and expertise generously, to help me make this album, and very grateful to Heather Joyce (who co-wrote several songs), Soprano Sax, Whistles and Vocal; Jackie Gribble, Vocals and Concertina; Mark Walbridge, Recorders; Dave Young, Melodeon and Concertinas; Lisa Warburton, Hammered Dulcimer; John Smith, Fiddle.
Full details, including track descriptions and lyrics, on alancourtney.bandcamp.com To buy the CD: please contact me at alanjoecourtney<at>icloud.com, or 07426 787338. Donations from sales of the CD or digitally from the Bandcamp website will be made to St Richard’s Hospice, in memory of John Williams and Cathy Rollo.”
South-East: Oxfordshire
Dear Friends,
Our new Winter show 'Drive the Cold Winter Away', is in early December. This is a really special one - with a guest actor and narrator, Isabel Stone, linking songs and seasonal traditions. Very much a winter themed show with some new music, poems, historical information, and much more. Book now!
• Fri 6th Dec Wesley Memorial Church, New Inn Hall St, OXFORD, OX1 2DH. £18 (+ concessions) from www.ticketsoxford.com or on the door.
• Sat 7th Dec Snell’s Hall, Church Street, EAST HENDRED, OX12 8LA. 7.30pm. £15 Moonrakers Tickets, Sat, Dec 7, 2024 at 7:30 PM | Eventbrite
Best wishes, Jon, Becki, Jacqui and Sarah, 01865 769206, www.moonrakers.net
Best wishes, Jon, Becki, Jacqui and Sarah, 01865 769206, www.moonrakers.net
Alba / Scotland
p35: SHANTY BIG SINGS 🄵 usually monthly
Themed Shanty Big Sing – No 16 – “Haul away Joe” - Weds 23 October 2024, 8pm UK/ Ireland time
Hi everyone,
After a wee gap, we are delighted to advise that our next Themed Shanty Big Sing will be “Haul Away Joe’, 8pm UK/ Ireland time on Weds 23 October 2024 (3pm ET, noon PT, 9pm France time etc), when we look forward to everyone joining us to share / hear versions of Shantys featuring ‘Haul Away Joe". Shantys / Chanteys please!
To join as singers / audience and to request the event Zoom link (which we circulate about 24 hours prior), pls email Linn direct at linnphipps<at>gmail.com, with subject line “Themed Shanty Big Sing No 16 – “Haul away Joe”.
Thank you for continued support for our series!
See you soon!
Linn Phipps & Jim Lucas
Shanty Big Sing website http://shantyman.dk/ShantyBigSings/
New Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ThemedShantyBigSings-rc9te
Additionally https://linnphippsfolk.co.uk/collaborations-links-and-other-news/
Hi everyone,
After a wee gap, we are delighted to advise that our next Themed Shanty Big Sing will be “Haul Away Joe’, 8pm UK/ Ireland time on Weds 23 October 2024 (3pm ET, noon PT, 9pm France time etc), when we look forward to everyone joining us to share / hear versions of Shantys featuring ‘Haul Away Joe". Shantys / Chanteys please!
To join as singers / audience and to request the event Zoom link (which we circulate about 24 hours prior), pls email Linn direct at linnphipps<at>gmail.com, with subject line “Themed Shanty Big Sing No 16 – “Haul away Joe”.
Thank you for continued support for our series!
See you soon!
Linn Phipps & Jim Lucas
Shanty Big Sing website http://shantyman.dk/ShantyBigSings/
New Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ThemedShantyBigSings-rc9te
Additionally https://linnphippsfolk.co.uk/collaborations-links-and-other-news/
INTERNATIONAL EXTRA: NEWS from other world-wide readers on our "Updates" Mailing List.
We're happy to include everyone's international news, on this UPDATES page (not printed in Folklife West unless a Folklife member).
New York
ØØ Valley Folk Music Society, Inc. , Corning, NY www.valleyfolk.org
ØØ Zoom. Based in Boston. Linn Noel https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music and ZOOM: LIVE FROM THE MERMAID'S TAVERN
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
New York
ØØ Valley Folk Music Society, Inc. , Corning, NY www.valleyfolk.org
- Upcoming concerts:
- Windborne - (stellar vocal folk quartet) - Songs of Midwinter Sat Nov 16 at 7:30 PM
- In 2025: Kevin McKrell Band (Irish-inspired singer songwriter and his band from Saratoga Springs NY) Sunday March 2, 2 PM
- Hubby Jenkins (of The Carolina Chocolate Drops fame) on Sunday April 6, 2 PM and more to come …...
- Ongoing: Monday Cross-Atlantic Zings (Zoom Sings) 3-6 PM EST (8-11 PM UK Time) Ask for the Zoom link
ØØ Zoom. Based in Boston. Linn Noel https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music and ZOOM: LIVE FROM THE MERMAID'S TAVERN
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
- DEC 1 Zoom: Winter Ballads with Linn Phipps and David Kidman
- DEC 1 (Linn Noel) in person - Wassail Workshop in NYC
- JAN 5 Zoom: Mermaid’s Wassail (Twelfth Night edition)
- JAN 19 Zoom:Robert Burns Night NEW DATE!
- FEB 2 Zoom: Child’s 200th Birthday Ballad Sing
Members' News: emailed Friday 6 Sep 2024
Download (free) the Email we sent = PDF of Updates for Members' Folk News (below), for Journal, and for Directory. 6 pages, 717 KB
If any problems, email sam@folklife.uk & we'll email it to you.
ADMIN 4/9/2024
• 17 – 19 January 2025 Trac Cymru 🄵: Ambell i Gân / Weekend of Welsh folk singing
Led by the talented trio of Gwilym Bowen Rhys, Beth Celyn, and Gwenan Gibbard, this course will teach traditional song from Wales and provide valuable insight into singing technique and the beauty of group harmonies.
You will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in Welsh folk singing, whether you are a beginner or an experienced singer. Our talented instructors will guide you through various techniques and styles of traditional Welsh songs, helping you to develop your own unique sound. Plus, with plenty of opportunities for group singing and individual practice, you'll leave feeling confident and inspired to continue your journey as a Welsh folk singer.
£300 including all meals and accommodation. Early bird discount available until November.
- Sept Folklife West now published in print (£6 to UK), and for PDF (£3 worldwide), and online here (free). BACS or card - see foot of page.
- 'Send your Updates' note above added.
- Redesigned both print magazines' layout. We changed style for headings etc, so more room for your news - and advert sizes slightly increased §
- New: Discount Membership for regular (every issue) advertisers, Mono ~ £10/£11 off, so eg 1 copy £21 now £10. More than 1, £10 off, so 12 copies (£120) now £110, etc. Colour regular advertisers ~ Free Membership x 1 copy ! §
- Colour advert prices reduced. We've not enough circulation to make FW all colour, as much more expensive. However, previously limited colour adverts (usually: cover sheet), our printers can now place anywhere in magazine, and we have "reduced" colour prices to 2x mono prices § § More details on Info page
Emergency Relocation of Club with Immediate Effect !
We have sadly lost the use of St Michael's Hall due to the building's deterioration and it is no longer a safe environment. A quick fix is needed to ensure our continuity and the Church Rooms alongside St Michaels Church have been reserved in the first instance whilst we research other venues. Many will recall meeting there prior to Covid and it provided a comfy space for our singing and playing. Plus you can make yourself a cuppa. So on 4th September for that very special evening with 3 United we will meet there.
Enter the Church grounds via Sheep Street & the rooms are on your right, or enter the grounds from the High Street and navigate around the main church building. Map on https://www.stmichaelshighworth.co.uk/find-us . The Church rooms are just North of the main building. For the tec savvy what 3 word code is unladen.risen.bright Geoff
We have sadly lost the use of St Michael's Hall due to the building's deterioration and it is no longer a safe environment. A quick fix is needed to ensure our continuity and the Church Rooms alongside St Michaels Church have been reserved in the first instance whilst we research other venues. Many will recall meeting there prior to Covid and it provided a comfy space for our singing and playing. Plus you can make yourself a cuppa. So on 4th September for that very special evening with 3 United we will meet there.
Enter the Church grounds via Sheep Street & the rooms are on your right, or enter the grounds from the High Street and navigate around the main church building. Map on https://www.stmichaelshighworth.co.uk/find-us . The Church rooms are just North of the main building. For the tec savvy what 3 word code is unladen.risen.bright Geoff
Geoff Davies, 01793 706753, www.facebook.com/whitehorsefolkclub/
p15: THE TWELVE BELLS SONG SESSION 🄵, Cirencester. 2nd Wednesday, 8pm, all year.
The next session on 11 September was the last in this venue. An alternative venue is being sought.
Unaccompanied singing in the traditional way. Relaxed evening, sing your own songs, old or new, without instrumental accompaniments, or just join in the choruses and enjoy the atmosphere.
Martin Graebe 01285 651104, martin.graebe<at>btinternet.com, or Anne Buffoni, annskibuffonski<at>hotmail.com
Contact Martin for October meeting.
p19: JOHNNY COPPIN 🄵writes: Warwick Folk Club (and my date on 11th Nov) has a new venue and new times: The Warwick Arms Hotel,17 High Street, CV34 4AT - 7.30pm until 10pm.
“Pickle Night” 6th November is the date when the news, of victory at the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Lord Nelson, arrived in London. To commemorate this year, The Salts will be performing in The Crypt under Trafalgar Square on Wednesday 6th November. We would love it if you can come along https://talentbanq.com/event-venues/the-crypt-lates/ www.thesalts.co.uk
p32: FOLK LONDON 🄵 bi-monthly listings magazine covering folk music, dance and song events in London & home counties,
Bluesky: @folklondon.co.uk replaces Twitter .
Other contact / websites / social media as before: folklondon.co.uk, Mastodon: @FolkLondonMag@folksocial.org, www.instagram.com/folklondonmag/.
• The last Cleckheaton Folk Festival, and the last Towersey festival, have been held.
Plas Caerdeon outdoor education centre, Caerdeon, Gwynedd. On the banks of the picturesque Mawddach estuary (Eryri National Park).
Immerse yourself in the rich musical heritage of Wales and learn from experienced instructors in a warm and welcoming environment. Led by the talented trio of Gwilym Bowen Rhys, Beth Celyn, and Gwenan Gibbard, this course will teach traditional song from Wales and provide valuable insight into singing technique and the beauty of group harmonies.
You will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in Welsh folk singing, whether you are a beginner or an experienced singer. Our talented instructors will guide you through various techniques and styles of traditional Welsh songs, helping you to develop your own unique sound. Plus, with plenty of opportunities for group singing and individual practice, you'll leave feeling confident and inspired to continue your journey as a Welsh folk singer.
£300 including all meals and accommodation. Early bird discount available until November.
Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience – register now for Ambell i Gân! See website above.
INTERNATIONAL EXTRA: NEWS from other world-wide readers on our Updates Mailing List . We're happy to include everyone's international news, on this UPDATES page (not printed in Folklife West unless a Folklife member).
New York
- Upcoming concerts: The Tannahill Weavers (Celtic Band) Saturday September 21, 7:30 PM
- Something Old, Something New - Concert of multiple performers - featuring Liz Simmons (of Low Lily), Mike Agranoff, Howie Bursen, Andy Cohen and introducing Kim Wallach (of The Short Sisters) and Wendy Grossman - Saturday October 19, 7:30 PM
- Windborne- (stellar vocal folk quartet) - Songs of Midwinter Sat Nov 16 at 7:30 PM
- In 2025: Kevin McKrell Band (Irish-inspired singer songwriter and his band from Saratoga Springs NY) Sunday March 2, 2 PM
- Hubby Jenkins (of The Carolina Chocolate Drops fame) on Sunday April 6, 2 PM
- Ongoing: Monday Cross-Atlantic Zings (Zoom Sings) 3-6 PM EST (8-11 PM UK Time) Ask for the Zoom link
ØØ Folklore Society of Greater Washington 2024 FSGW Getaway 27-30 September. West River Methodist Retreat Center near Annapolis, Maryland.
Coming to the FSGW GETAWAY? Register Now! You can register by going to fsgw.org/getaway and clicking on 'REGISTER' by September 15.
ØØ Zoom. Based in Boston. Linn Noel https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music and ZOOM: LIVE FROM THE MERMAID'S TAVERN
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
- OCT 6 Ballad Sing
- NOV 3 Halloween and Harvest Sing with Tam Lin Marathon
- DEC 1 Mermaid's Wassail
- JAN 5 Twelfth Night Sing
- JAN 26 Robert Burns Night
- FEB 2 Child’s Birthday Ballad Sing
Our featured performers this year are Judy Cook & The Gawler Sisters. Also appearing this year: April Grant, Ethan Tischlerthe, Shank Painters,
Bennett Konesni, Lynn Noel, The Vox Hunters & Flannery Brown. And maritime skills demonstrations by The Dirty Blue Shirts.
Bennett Konesni, Lynn Noel, The Vox Hunters & Flannery Brown. And maritime skills demonstrations by The Dirty Blue Shirts.
The Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival is a donation-supported volunteer-run free annual event with a free ticketed evening concert.
Members' News: Updates emailed 9 July 2024
Deadline 23 July, for Sept-Dec Folklife West.
Adverts rates have increased, eg 1/8th mono, was £10, now £11. New - repeat ads discount.
- For prepaying 2 or more adverts.
- Or - new - if you set up a standing order (1st payment when you pay this time, future payments as deadline dates 20 Nov, 20 Mar, 20 July).
- The discount price is the old price - so for repeat ads, no price increase!
- For 1 copy: this was already increased to £21/year - no change
- Overseas by post rates - no change.
- PDF (UK & overseas) membership rate - no change - still just £9 a year
Members' News: Updates emailed 27 June 2024
On Sat 22 June: I was about to email Updates as below when email-senders MailerLite announced new rules (before sending any more emails, I have to "authenticate ... domain, .. need to add two records to the DNS panel of your domain: DKIM and SPF". So now in touch with our domain-host's technical department (who knows what all that means).
NEW: please see Send your Updates on the webpage Updates (send yours) [to quote in email here as above]
ENGLAND: Based in WEST COUNTRY 🄵🅆 West Country
Hi everyone We have some great guests on Monday June 24th (Sandford Park Alehouse 8pm), of course with time for floor spots. Here are the details:
MAT GREEN AND ANDY TURNER, anglo-concertina, melodeon, vocals — singing and playing mainly traditional English tunes and songs
Have a listen https://www.andyturnermusic.uk/mat_andy/audio/inverary_clip.mp3
Mat and Andy are both founder members of Magpie Lane, providing the instrumental drive at the heart of the band's dance music repertoire. https://www.andyturnermusic.uk/mat_andy/#about Hope to see you there! Judith For details, please join the mailing list, machteltje<at>gmail.com
🄵 Saturday 29th June, SHEPHERD'S PURSE have a 40-minute set at 3pm at Cradley Village Fete, and they would love to see you there if you can make it.
Tuesday 2nd July, "Homend Poets Open Evening" (Open Mic) — part of Ledbury Poetry Festival
An open evening for poets to perform and share poems. Food and drink available.
The venue, Pot & Page Cafe, is now Ledbury Community Hub www.ledburycommunityhub.org.uk-- same time, same place!
Tuesday 2nd July, "Homend Poets Open Evening" (Open Mic) — part of Ledbury Poetry Festival
An open evening for poets to perform and share poems. Food and drink available.
The venue, Pot & Page Cafe, is now Ledbury Community Hub www.ledburycommunityhub.org.uk-- same time, same place!
Based in OTHER REGIONS OF THE UK 🄵🅆 England: other regions
Based in LONDON
Based in LONDON
6-8 Sept CHESHIRE FOLK FESTIVAL, Northwich Facebook
Sunday 15 Sept TOPSHAM FOLK CLUB https://www.topshamfolkclub.org/concerts/
Sunday 15 Sept TOPSHAM FOLK CLUB https://www.topshamfolkclub.org/concerts/
🄵 MOONRAKERS Sun 28th July WATERPERRY GARDENS, Oxfordshire, OX33 1JZ. 6.00pm Our annual concert with gorgeous tunes and bad jokes! Come and enjoy an early evening (6pm) in the fabulous open air Amphitheatre. Book ahead at www.ticketsoxford.com 01865 305305, 6.00pm £15 (concessions available). Some tickets may also be available on the door.
🄵 MOONRAKERS Sun 28th July WATERPERRY GARDENS, Oxfordshire, OX33 1JZ. 6.00pm Our annual concert with gorgeous tunes and bad jokes! Come and enjoy an early evening (6pm) in the fabulous open air Amphitheatre. Book ahead at www.ticketsoxford.com 01865 305305, 6.00pm £15 (concessions available). Some tickets may also be available on the door.
Please remember that it helps us a lot if you subscribe to our Facebook page Facebook and/or our YouTube channel where you'll find a lot of videos Moonrakers - Grimsby Fisher Lads (youtube.com) And we've just joined TikTok, achieving an awe-inspiring 28 followers so far - Taylor Swift eat your heart out.
Best wishes,
Jon, Becki, Jacqui and Sarah www.moonrakers.net
Based in SCOTLAND and INTERNATIONAL 🄵🅆 Scotland & World
Best wishes,
Jon, Becki, Jacqui and Sarah www.moonrakers.net
Based in SCOTLAND and INTERNATIONAL 🄵🅆 Scotland & World
Based in SCOTLAND ~ none
INTERNATIONAL (1) MEMBERS' NEWS, printed in Folklife West, also on the copy of the print page on the webpage 🄵🅆 Scotland & World
- Your news in the printed Folklife West. - Sings, concerts, shops, festivals, media - up to 160 words, for each news item, plus a small picture, Just £9 a year for sending PDFs (via WeTransfer) of 3x Folklife West and 2x Journal ~ card: https://ko-fi.com/s/8e92e77df9 Or bypost £27 Europe, £33 world.
USA Zoom - Boston, Mass
ØØ LINN NOEL https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music and ZOOM: LIVE FROM THE MERMAID'S TAVERN
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
ØØ LINN NOEL https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music and ZOOM: LIVE FROM THE MERMAID'S TAVERN
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
- July 7 Zoom BALLAD SING 2-4PM Celebrating Independence Day Weekend!
- July 18 SPECIAL SEMINAR Joanna Colcord, Penobscot Marine Museum (hybrid) A hybrid program and will take place in the PMM Old Vestry at 2 Church Street, Searsport, ME as well as on Zoom. Free with a $5 suggested price.Postponed from June 20, so please check this link for details of how to register for the new date. https://penobscotmarinemuseum.org/events-list/
- August DARK (we will be at Sidmouth Folk Week)
- June 20: Penobscot Marine Museum, Searsport, ME (Colcord family home port) (hybrid) as above
- July 20: Collectomania! Conference, Cecil Sharp House, London, UK (prerecorded video)
- August 6: Guest compere, Chantey Night in the Middle Bar, Anchor Inn, Sidmouth Folk Week, Devon, UK (in-person)
- September 28-29: Performer, Portsmouth Maritime Festival, Portsmouth, NH (hybrid)
- November 6-9: American Folklore Society National Conference, Albuquerque, NM (in-person)
MEMBERS' FESTIVALS & WORKSHOPS ~ updates to May Folklife West 🄵🅆 Festivals & Workshops Diary ~ no updates (we welcome Memebrs' 2025 Festival dates!)
Members' News: new revised Website 🎵 emailed 22 May 2024
23 May 2024 - Updates [19 June actually - in a rush before going on holiday!]
A brief email to announce we have a new web-host, WebMate, and have just finished moving & re-doing the website: a completely revised folklife.uk
It's more mobile-readable than the previous site, however, on phones, as before, our A4-size print-page copies become too small to read, but images will give you a general idea (and you can always buy FW...).
A brief email to announce we have a new web-host, WebMate, and have just finished moving & re-doing the website: a completely revised folklife.uk
It's more mobile-readable than the previous site, however, on phones, as before, our A4-size print-page copies become too small to read, but images will give you a general idea (and you can always buy FW...).
We think it looks a lot better. Your comments welcome, bearing in mind that we are print editors (always looking for Web-knowledgable volunteers...).To copy over the Journal and Directory sites will take time. So the main pages in menu are arranged with this in mind:
- Home [brief intro to our publications].
- About [more details]
- Updates.
- Opt-in, send updates [form to opt in & form to send updates].
- Info [membership, adverts, sales discounts],
- Data protection Policy
- And then the 3 publications:
- Folklife West. Copies this issue's print pages: Members' folk news ~ the FW subpages. Festivals & Workshops Diary; Cymru/Wales; West Country; West Midlands; England - other regions. Scotland & World.
- Folklife Traditions Journal and Folklife's Directory are simply redirects to those sites.
- An Updates email follows on Saturday. [But on Saturday, MailerLite email-senders introduced new requirements! see above]
Members' News: Updates emailed 22 May 2024
Based in CYMRU/WALES 🄵🅆 Cymru ~ none
ENGLAND: Based in WEST COUNTRY 🄵🅆 West Country
Thanks to everyone who made last night at the club so enjoyable — our guests Elaine and Jeff Gillett who delighted us with such a variety of songs and arrangements, our excellent floor singers, and those who came to listen (like me).
Coming up — not to be missed! Mon 10 June, Sandford Park Alehouse 8pm Ian Harvey and Jan Vaisey — gorgeous vocals and strings + time for floor singers, of course. Look forward to seeing you there, Judith For details, please join the mailing list, machteltje<at>gmail.com
🄵 FIVEHEAD FOLK & ACOUSTIC MUSIC NIGHTS), 2nd Sat, FIVEHEAD, Somerset, have moved from The Crown Inn to Fivehead Baptist Church (www.fiveheadbaptist.co.uk), Butchers Hill, Fivehead, TA3 6PD.
Music will begin at 7.30pm. Floorsingers are welcome to sing and/or play in the first half - until the break at 8.30pm - space permitting, I advise you to come early to sign up in the book on the night, or email in advance. 9-10pm invited guest(s). No entry charge; a donation jar is passed round for guest performers. Please come prepared with cash to give generously as the artists do not receive a fee.
Coffee Bar open from 7.00pm beforehand and during the interval offering fresh filter coffee or tea. We will also have a range of soft drinks and snacks for sale (NB for cash only). You are welcome to bring your own refreshments, but please note that there is a no-alcohol policy in the church
Laurie Burn, laurieguitars<at>gmail.com, 07854 750545 [May 2024, new venue]
Based in WEST MIDLANDS-based 🄵🅆 West Midlands
The Ledbury Rugby Club session has moved to The Chase, in Bishop's Frome, Worcester WR6 5BP. Starts 7.30pm [postally Wuster but its in Herefs]. As before, 7.30-10pm. Singaround & music session for folk and rural roots. Singers, poets, storytellers, and all types of acoustic instruments welcome. Free entry.
Contact: Bernie on bernieuptonfolk<at>gmail.com Please check before coming, as not every month. 21/5/2024 it's on, first session at new venue.
Tuesday 28th May, Theme: 'Birds and Flight' - so hoping everyone will take off with that one!
The venue, Pot & Page Cafe, is now Ledbury Community Hub www.ledburycommunityhub.org.uk-- same time, same place!
🄵 SOMERS TRAD. FOLK CLUB 1st, 3rd, 5th (check web) Fridays, St. Stephen's Street, Worcester WR3 7HS. www.somers-folk-club.org.uk
for map & parking info. An accessible venue. 8.15-10.45pm (doors 8pm) Open throughout the summer.
Two very special 5th-Friday evenings:
Friday 31 May, a special tribute night in memory of Crabbe (Bryan Neville-Lee), a much-loved Club singer who we lost during the lockdown. A list of songs & poems performed by Crabbe, and those chosen so far, are on www.folklife.uk/crabbe.html. Other songs welcome, of course.
Friday 30th August, a members' feature night, featuring Shepherd’s Purse (https://ericpaynefolksongs.co.uk/shepherds-purse/). Eric and Eileen Payne with Jim Preston “sing close harmony songs that have a story to tell! (more details later).
Chris info<at>somers-folk-club.org.uk; Eleanor & Sam 01684 561378
ENGLAND: Based in WEST COUNTRY 🄵🅆 West Country
Thanks to everyone who made last night at the club so enjoyable — our guests Elaine and Jeff Gillett who delighted us with such a variety of songs and arrangements, our excellent floor singers, and those who came to listen (like me).
Coming up — not to be missed! Mon 10 June, Sandford Park Alehouse 8pm Ian Harvey and Jan Vaisey — gorgeous vocals and strings + time for floor singers, of course. Look forward to seeing you there, Judith For details, please join the mailing list, machteltje<at>gmail.com
🄵 FIVEHEAD FOLK & ACOUSTIC MUSIC NIGHTS), 2nd Sat, FIVEHEAD, Somerset, have moved from The Crown Inn to Fivehead Baptist Church (www.fiveheadbaptist.co.uk), Butchers Hill, Fivehead, TA3 6PD.
Music will begin at 7.30pm. Floorsingers are welcome to sing and/or play in the first half - until the break at 8.30pm - space permitting, I advise you to come early to sign up in the book on the night, or email in advance. 9-10pm invited guest(s). No entry charge; a donation jar is passed round for guest performers. Please come prepared with cash to give generously as the artists do not receive a fee.
Coffee Bar open from 7.00pm beforehand and during the interval offering fresh filter coffee or tea. We will also have a range of soft drinks and snacks for sale (NB for cash only). You are welcome to bring your own refreshments, but please note that there is a no-alcohol policy in the church
Laurie Burn, laurieguitars<at>gmail.com, 07854 750545 [May 2024, new venue]
Based in WEST MIDLANDS-based 🄵🅆 West Midlands
The Ledbury Rugby Club session has moved to The Chase, in Bishop's Frome, Worcester WR6 5BP. Starts 7.30pm [postally Wuster but its in Herefs]. As before, 7.30-10pm. Singaround & music session for folk and rural roots. Singers, poets, storytellers, and all types of acoustic instruments welcome. Free entry.
Contact: Bernie on bernieuptonfolk<at>gmail.com Please check before coming, as not every month. 21/5/2024 it's on, first session at new venue.
Tuesday 28th May, Theme: 'Birds and Flight' - so hoping everyone will take off with that one!
The venue, Pot & Page Cafe, is now Ledbury Community Hub www.ledburycommunityhub.org.uk-- same time, same place!
🄵 SOMERS TRAD. FOLK CLUB 1st, 3rd, 5th (check web) Fridays, St. Stephen's Street, Worcester WR3 7HS. www.somers-folk-club.org.uk
for map & parking info. An accessible venue. 8.15-10.45pm (doors 8pm) Open throughout the summer.
Two very special 5th-Friday evenings:
Friday 31 May, a special tribute night in memory of Crabbe (Bryan Neville-Lee), a much-loved Club singer who we lost during the lockdown. A list of songs & poems performed by Crabbe, and those chosen so far, are on www.folklife.uk/crabbe.html. Other songs welcome, of course.
Friday 30th August, a members' feature night, featuring Shepherd’s Purse (https://ericpaynefolksongs.co.uk/shepherds-purse/). Eric and Eileen Payne with Jim Preston “sing close harmony songs that have a story to tell! (more details later).
Chris info<at>somers-folk-club.org.uk; Eleanor & Sam 01684 561378
Based in OTHER REGIONS OF THE UK 🄵🅆 England: other regions
Fri 31st May Holy Trinity Church, Nuffield, Henley-On-Thames, RG9 5SN. A beautiful old Norman church remodeled in the 14th century. 7.30pm, £12 on the door or in advance from 07782 187 866.
Sat 1st June All Saints Church, Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, OX14 4AE. A return to this beautiful Oxfordshire church. 7.30pm. £12 in advance or on the door. Enquiries: 01235 847179
Sun 9th June St Neots Folk Festival, The Priory Centre, St Neots, Cambs. PE19 2BH.
• Folk Orchestra workshop/course. 2pm - 4pm. £10 on the door or in advance from St Neots Folk Club. Enquiries: 01865 769206.
• We're topping the bill at the final concert of the weekend festival. 7pm. £20 for the day ticket, or on the door, or in advance from St Neots Folk Club.
Jon, Becki, Jacqui and Sarah www.moonrakers.net
Based in SCOTLAND and INTERNATIONAL 🄵🅆 Scotland & World
Fri 31st May Holy Trinity Church, Nuffield, Henley-On-Thames, RG9 5SN. A beautiful old Norman church remodeled in the 14th century. 7.30pm, £12 on the door or in advance from 07782 187 866.
Sat 1st June All Saints Church, Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, OX14 4AE. A return to this beautiful Oxfordshire church. 7.30pm. £12 in advance or on the door. Enquiries: 01235 847179
Sun 9th June St Neots Folk Festival, The Priory Centre, St Neots, Cambs. PE19 2BH.
• Folk Orchestra workshop/course. 2pm - 4pm. £10 on the door or in advance from St Neots Folk Club. Enquiries: 01865 769206.
• We're topping the bill at the final concert of the weekend festival. 7pm. £20 for the day ticket, or on the door, or in advance from St Neots Folk Club.
Jon, Becki, Jacqui and Sarah www.moonrakers.net
Based in SCOTLAND and INTERNATIONAL 🄵🅆 Scotland & World
Based in SCOTLAND ~ none
INTERNATIONAL (1) MEMBERS' NEWS, printed in Folklife West, also on the copy of the print page on the webpage 🄵🅆 Scotland & World
- Your news in the printed Folklife West. - Sings, concerts, shops, festivals, media - up to 160 words, for each news item, plus a small picture, Just £9 a year for sending PDFs (via WeTransfer) of 3x Folklife West and 2x Journal ~ card: https://ko-fi.com/s/8e92e77df9 Or bypost £27 Europe, £33 world.
USA Zoom - Boston, Mass
ØØ LINN NOEL https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
Buy tickets online at www.valleyfolk.org or at the door.
Concerts are held at 144 Cedar Street Corning, NY (corner 1st St.) in the red brick Methodist Church
For more information visit our website, or contact us: (1) 607-962-4461, or info<at>valleyfolk.org www.valleyfolk.org
Steve Turner (from the UK) concert on WEDNESDAY June 26 at 7:30 PM -
Secure ticket Link for Steve Turner concert at Valley Folk:
The Tannahill Weavers (Celtic Band from Scotland) Saturday September 21, at 7:30 PM
Something Old, Something New - Concert featuring 3 who have played our stage before - Liz Simmons (of Low Lily), Mike Agranoff, James Gordon (Canada) and introducing Kim Wallach (of The Short Sisters) and Wendy Grossman for the first time - Saturday October 19 at 7:30 PM
Windborne (stellar vocal folk quartet) - Songs of Midwinter Sat Nov 16 at 7:30 PM
USA Live - Maryland
ØØ FSGW GETAWAY at West River, MD, Sept 27 – Sept 30, 2024 at the beautiful West River Methodist Conference Center, on an inlet of the Chesapeake Bay. Registration is now open. The Getaway is an amazing weekend-long party of folks who love to sing, play and listen to folk music. We come together in a lovely riverside retreat to join together in making music, sharing what we bring and learning from friends old and new. There will be workshops, sing-arounds, sign-up concerts, music and conversations at all hours. Participation is encouraged at any level comfortable to you in a supportive and welcoming environment. Old and new songs and tunes, recitations and stories, along with information on historical contexts and insights, have filled the Getaway, along with conversation and laughter, for over half a century. Come be a part of the fun!
More information on the registration page: fsgw.org/Getaway
MEMBERS' FESTIVALS & WORKSHOPS ~ updates to May Folklife West 🄵🅆 Festivals & Workshops Diary
New email for:
→ CHURCHDOWN, Gloucestershire. The Churchdown Club (http://churchdownclub.co.uk), Church Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2ER
⌂ For more info: website/facebook tba, http://liamtho.com/FolkAtTheClub.
⊕ Guests tba. Please contact Will Craswell, 07740 248785, william.craswell<at>gmail.com 🄵 Will Craswell
(yes, we welcome 2025 Festival dates from our members!)
ØØ LINN NOEL https://sites.google.com/view/crosscurrents-music
Zoom meeting links are MAILING LIST ONLY. Join this mailing list at http://mailinglist.mermaidstavern.com
Monthly sessions usually on first Sundays 2-4pm ET. Special events as the occasion requires.
- June 2 Chantey Sing
- June 20 SPECIAL Joanna Colcord SEMINAR
- July 7 Independence Day Sing
Buy tickets online at www.valleyfolk.org or at the door.
Concerts are held at 144 Cedar Street Corning, NY (corner 1st St.) in the red brick Methodist Church
For more information visit our website, or contact us: (1) 607-962-4461, or info<at>valleyfolk.org www.valleyfolk.org
Steve Turner (from the UK) concert on WEDNESDAY June 26 at 7:30 PM -
Secure ticket Link for Steve Turner concert at Valley Folk:
The Tannahill Weavers (Celtic Band from Scotland) Saturday September 21, at 7:30 PM
Something Old, Something New - Concert featuring 3 who have played our stage before - Liz Simmons (of Low Lily), Mike Agranoff, James Gordon (Canada) and introducing Kim Wallach (of The Short Sisters) and Wendy Grossman for the first time - Saturday October 19 at 7:30 PM
Windborne (stellar vocal folk quartet) - Songs of Midwinter Sat Nov 16 at 7:30 PM
USA Live - Maryland
ØØ FSGW GETAWAY at West River, MD, Sept 27 – Sept 30, 2024 at the beautiful West River Methodist Conference Center, on an inlet of the Chesapeake Bay. Registration is now open. The Getaway is an amazing weekend-long party of folks who love to sing, play and listen to folk music. We come together in a lovely riverside retreat to join together in making music, sharing what we bring and learning from friends old and new. There will be workshops, sing-arounds, sign-up concerts, music and conversations at all hours. Participation is encouraged at any level comfortable to you in a supportive and welcoming environment. Old and new songs and tunes, recitations and stories, along with information on historical contexts and insights, have filled the Getaway, along with conversation and laughter, for over half a century. Come be a part of the fun!
More information on the registration page: fsgw.org/Getaway
MEMBERS' FESTIVALS & WORKSHOPS ~ updates to May Folklife West 🄵🅆 Festivals & Workshops Diary
New email for:
→ CHURCHDOWN, Gloucestershire. The Churchdown Club (http://churchdownclub.co.uk), Church Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2ER
⌂ For more info: website/facebook tba, http://liamtho.com/FolkAtTheClub.
⊕ Guests tba. Please contact Will Craswell, 07740 248785, william.craswell<at>gmail.com 🄵 Will Craswell
(yes, we welcome 2025 Festival dates from our members!)